Irritable Bowel Syndrome

“I heard about the clinic in 1994, when I was living in Massachusetts. I had been having months of digestive problems with extreme tiredness and had gone through a battery of test and appointments with a local highly recommended gastroenterologist. In the end, he told me I had irritable bowel syndrome. To which I said, "You mean you have no idea what I have?"

In talking about this with a friend, she mentioned the Vreeland Clinic. Dr. Vreeland diagnosed me with a severe fungal infection of the digestive tract and blood circulatory system. He put me on a much reduced diet and assorted supplements. A few months later I had more energy than I had had since my 20's! I was 44 years old at the time. I gradually reintroduced many foods back into my diet. There are still some that I need to try to steer clear of and I still take some supplements.

I have continued to work with the clinic and consider them by primary care physicians.”

D.R., St. John, Virginia

“I came here 7 years ago to find help for chronic irritable bowel syndrome. I had been to hospitals in Boston with no success. Within a year, I was healthy with almost no symptoms and could lead a normal life.

I also had climbing red blood cell and platelet counts. Instead of going on medication, I was tested at the Vreeland Clinic for heavy metals and had very high amounts. After treatment, my amounts were normal, my blood counts went down and a benign tremor in my hands disappeared. I am very grateful for the diagnosis and care received at the clinic.”

S.C.M., Massachusetts