
“Dr Court has helped my family in more ways than I can even explain! He has found an allergy in my son that no one had thought to even look for. This has relieved an enormous amount of pain and made him a much happier little boy. He has helped my daughter with an issue that we had been told would probably require surgery and he has helped me immensely with thyroid problems and the negative effects of having my gallbladder removed at age 18. I have recommended him to a number of friends who have all had successful, life changing results. I can't speak more highly of the Vreeland Clinic!”

Lee, Vermont

“I came to the Vreeland Clinic after hitting several walls in terms of my health. As a person with environmental and other allergies I had already tried several other routes like allergy desensitization, homeopathy and herbal medicine. I wanted to find out how to shift my health and regain my energy. I wanted to understand what it was at the root of my situation. I suffered from anxiety, panic and fatigue. I felt unable to sustain a balanced work life, etc.

Understanding what was happening in my body at a cellular level with Dr. Court has changed so many things. I went on a strict diet and after just 4-5 months my situation completely turned around in conjunction with other nutritional supplements/therapies. I felt motivated to stay on the program because I was feeling so much better. My energy came back and slowly I have regained stamina and stability. Live blood cell analysis gives us a picture into our bodies. There is no more guessing! I feel confident that I will be able to continue to improve my health and quality of life with the tools and care that the Vreeland Clinic provides. Thank you so much for all of your help and support. I am grateful everyday to have my life back and to have the energy to do all the things I love. I hope others can benefit as I have.”

M.D., Massachusetts